Sunday, 28 February 2010


i can't believe it's already the end of Feb Subhan Allah!

this month has been jam packed with events activities- and i don't think one week went by without an Isoc talk!

one of the highlights of this month though has to be my second trip to London when i went down for this Leadership Dinner.

I was picked up NA and JA around 35mins before my coach was about to leave- we hit practically every single traffic light you could think of....but Alhamdulilah they dropped me off 15mins before the time....and then the coach came 20mins late!!!!

had a safe journey there and actually got there half an hour before we were suppose to- despite the fact we left late.

then i decided to walk it because it didn't seem far from the google map i checked the night there i was walking along and not a clue where i was going and went into a shop to ask for directions- the shopkeeper told me to ask security across the road

so crossed over the road and asked security and they told me roughly where it was and that it would be quite a walk....whilst walking away i realised it was Buckingham Palace Gardenss!!!!

found the park area that was described to me and i kep walking and ended up in another square...didn't have a clue where i was so i went into this Church and heard the organ being played...didn't want to disturb the guy so walked to the back and realised no one was there- turned round to find the guy staring at me. let the man know i was lost and asked him for directions to where i needed to go and he didn't have a clue what i was on about and sent me back to the park i jut came from

ended up back in the park i was at originally and one of the map sellers asked if i was ok and i told him i was lost and tryin to find this hotel- he gave me directions....and i ended up back at the coach station area.....then the same area where that church was....kept walking down this long road and asked this guy where i could find the hotetl- he told me i was quite a while away but if i kept walking till i saw this round buliding then take a righ, then a left at Hyde Park, walk a bit more and then take another right i'd find it

so managed to get to Hyde Park then crossed over to this burger van to ask for directions- and he told me to take 2nd left and ask again at the Hilton

ended up taking the FIRST left and saw the Hilton across the road...saw another map seller and he tol me i was only 10moims away and to keep walkin and i'll find it

Alhamdulilah i finally found the hotel and i went in...the guy at the door nwas French and said HE couldn't understand ME!!!!

so he told me to go to the i got there- it was a seriously posh hotel people! and i tell the guy why i'm there and he asks if i have a room which i respond no, then he asks if i have the right hotel- i was ike yeah such such hotel....he was like this isn't the one there's another one and told me to go diagnally across pass the US embassy and then find it there

so i do what he says and find the flags and i end up away from the area so i pop into a shop and ask the people there...they were like yes, you have to go back and you'll see the embassy with a big American flag on top then take a right

when walking i indeed see the big American flag and embassy and realise the flag i saw earlier was actually the British one :D

i spotted some security guards with big fat machine guns and went upto eyed me whilst i approached (had a rucksack with me!) and when i explained i was looking for this hotel he was like yeah it's just around the corner

Alhamdulilah i found the hour and half later!!!!!!!!

got me thinking that Allah (SWT) has given us a guide and manual for this life- let's not avoid it but use it and utilise it to get to our destination the best way and directly rather than being led astray by taking random paths.